B13 hitch / small trailer recommendations?

George Roffe geo3@earthlink.net
Thu, 11 Dec 2003 11:18:57 -0600

Steve Linn wrote:

>Getting ready to turn my "race car" into a tow vehicle as well (just picked up
>a used junior kart for my son).
>Anyone have any staggering recommendations or horror stories regarding hitches
>on a B13?

Yeah, buy mine.  I'll make you a deal you can't pass up. :-)

>I'm looking at the Draw-Tight Sportline which uses the 1 1/4" box receiver
>(rather than the bar types that are out there).

I *think* that is what I have already.

>I can get a complete new setup for about $100 from cheaphitches.com.  Anybody
>have a good used one lying about that they want to get out of their garage?

You're calling my name. :-)

>Any thoughts on small utility trailers as well?

Hehe.  I can make you a real deal on one of those as well, but I'll bet
Houston is too far to come. :-)

>Looking at a 4' x 6' open trailer probably.

That's exactly what I have.  I used it to tow my kart.  I used to have an
enclosed box on it, but several years out in the weather took its toll.  It
needs to be rewired and needs some 2x10s or whatever for a new floor (or
even plywood, which is what I used).

The hitch is rusty and ugly, but a morning with a sander and a rattle can
and it will look well enough and certainly do the job.  It's quite
solid.  I can send you some digi pix.

The trailer is also rusted, and except for one disconnected rebar brace,
still solid.  Looks ugly, but gets the job done.  Hell, I'll even sandblast
and paint the wheels so they look all purty for you.

You'll still need a wiring adapter for the car.

I'm looking for about $50 for the hitch and $75 for the trailer.

George Roffe