More Stupid Tool/Coatings Questions
Wayne Cox
Wed, 30 Apr 2003 19:42:55 -0500
At 07:04 PM 4/30/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>...could I buy a somewhat-normal impact socket set and get a similar
>coating applied? Whaddaya'think? Low-friction Powdercoating? PTFE (Teflon)?
Hmm, I recently purchased a DIY powder coating system, and the stuff is a
bunch harder that what is likely on your wheels, so I don't think it would
help. Bonding teflon to metal is *extremely* tricky and expensive, and
wouldn't have much impact resistance.
Here's a cheap possibility - most hardware places sell these cans of rubber
/ plasticy paint gack you can dip tool handles in to make a grip similar to
the soft plastic factory molded ones. Some of that painted on the outside
of the socket might work well.
-Wayne '91 NX2k - '93 NK2k - '92 SE-R parts car