The Glen

Raymond A. Kawski
Wed, 9 Oct 2002 08:48:36 -0500

"KIERAN A. LAVIN" wrote:

> Let me borrow your car and I'll show you intimidation from going

I'm not sure if I would ever let anyone drive that car on track.
Probably only a fellow turbo owner because they know how fast
the car gets up to speed and how easy it is to destroy
a transmission.  It's taken me a long time to learn to shift
completely differently in that car.

> too fast! Joe and I have talked many times about what fun we'd
> have with 100 more HP!  Not specifically aimed at you Ray!

Trust me I had fun but since I was hitting 125mph before even
turning onto the back straight I needed to be cautious that
I wasn't going to overpower my brakes.  Having 100 more hp
gives you a whole new set of variables to pay attention to.

> Just that the two of us (well, I *KNOW* Joe would) would have
> the balls to take a higher HP car to it's limits

I know Joe is crazy!  Part of my issues is I probably spent
twice as much on just the turbo for my car then he has on
buying and modding his car!  So that even adds more caution
to my driving then I had before.  I'm there to have fun and
keeping it on track is one of my priorities as is driving
within my limits. So more seat time for me.  Next year I
will probably be able to do that.

Ray Kawski
1998 Sentra SE Turbo, 1991 NX 2000, 340K mile 1991 Sentra SE-R
Poconos, PA