The web site is NOT the List

Wayne Cox
Fri, 16 Aug 2002 13:18:40 -0500

At 12:52 PM 8/16/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Ok, recent comments here today seem to imply that or other sites
>are directly related to this list.  They are not, they're run by entirely
>different people, and any maintenance (or lack thereof) on the

You are mostly true in that statement.  SE-R.Net is separate from Larry's
mailing list.  However, the search link from there goes to which IS maintained by Larry.

And with all due respect...  I know Larry is using off the shelf open
source tools, but the archive search *sucks*.  There is no way I know of to
force it to use phrases, booleans, or even stop it from expanding my words
into a "fuzzy" search.  Makes it pretty difficult to narrow a search
without that functionality.  Are there any newer search tools that let me
keep control, like Google?