old farts
Ivan Chou
Tue, 16 Jul 2002 16:37:31 -0500
<davidpertuz@mindspring.com> wrote:
> decided on new Tokrapos instead, oops! Are there any jr. (I'm under 30)
> memberships in the old fogey's club?
I'm in that Jr. portion of that club along with ya. I remember signing on
the list before Larry got to hosting it, when it was served off of
world.std.com, I think. Remember Rich Siegel (Bare Bones Software) and
using the ideology behind the SE-R as a virtue in building software (maybe
my memory is wack)? I wonder where some LMs like Jarrod Wright went off
to. A sense of good community carries on today. I might still have some
of those old old archives, and should put up an old archives page
Ivan - '93 SE-R 110k, '95 M3 107k