unusual B13 front spoilers

Darren Calbero DarrenC@ampartners.com
Thu, 11 Jul 2002 20:17:47 -0500

Brent wrote:
> Ghetto or not, if it looks good and works, why would nis-knacks be
> better?

In regards to the clear lenses that Nis-Knacks once sold.  They were made
from actual OEM lens molds and injected with clear plastic.  The lens was
then attached to OEM housings.  This insured proper size, fit, reflective
properties, and bulb installment.  The plastics used was DOT grade even
though the color of the lens themselves would never pass DOT standards.

Brand name Hysteria?  I doubt it very much.  More like a need for quality
and substance rather than just "looks good".