R12 Refrigerant Replacement
Bill the arcstarter
Fri, 5 Jul 2002 23:07:24 -0500
Lewis Shadoff <lshadoff@brazosport.cc.tx.us> wrote:
>Is anyone familiar with this stuff? It was mentioned as an R12
replacement on the Mercedes list. http://www.freeze12.com/
A quick read of the site didn't allow me to discover what it really is -
therefore I would avoid it. If they are going to hide the facts then then
can do that and I will go elsewhere. :)
Just today I received my order of R-406A - a tri-mix replacement for R-12.
No fooling with oils required since R-406a is compatible with R-12 oils.
Supposedly this stuff requires less of a charge than R-12 with better
performance. This was the stuff invented by George Goble at Purdue a few
years ago (the guy who lights BBQ grills using liquid oxygen). I'll let you
know how it works.
Note that you have to be either a type 609 (mobile refrigerant tech)
certificate holder, or a master cert. holder to purchase either the mystery
freeze12 stuff or documented and known R-406A. Luckily due to the miracle
of the internet - for $15 or such you can get your 609 on-line. :) I love
Lastly - a friend of mine just installed one of the R-134A kits into his '91
Classic. It didn't go 100% smoothly but seems to be functional now. Of
course now he discovers that his compresser clutch is shot so he'll probably
have to repeat the whole process... :)
-Bill (will trade R-12 for Shiner Bock)
'92 Classic @ 153Kmi and climbing...