turbo selection

cowboydren@b15sentra.net cowboydren@b15sentra.net
Sun, 16 Jun 2002 18:05:43 -0500

On Sun, Jun 16, 2002 at 12:24:38PM -0500, svanhook5@comcast.net wrote:

> does anyone think that a GT25 turbo would

GT25-what?  GT25 is a family, and there are often two more numerical
digits behind that (GT2530, IIRC, is a valid model number).  On top of
that, the housing selection has everything to do with lag and HP comfort

> be a good upgrade for a bb t25 if I only
> wanted to push 15 psi easily with a quick spool up?

Have you ever driven a car with the GTi-R T28?  I can't imagine needing
much more than what it reportedly has.  I just about bet you could get a
used 'R turbo and exhaust manifold for about the cost of a new GT25xx.

If you're starting with a Bluebird engine, adding an 'R exhaust
manifold and turbo is an excellent upgrade.  If you want more than that,
and are feeling lucky, get the compressor housing and adapter ring from
an S14's T28, which is basically a T04E (or was it B?) housing, and lets
the 'R compressor wheel do much more effective work.

After that, the Disco Potato T28 should be to market by this fall, but
will be a pretty expensive little hairdryer.  Have you seen the Turbo
forum at SR20DEForum.com?  Lots of cool information being flung around
up there on a daily basis.


-=|JP|=-               Good, Fast, Cheap; Pick any Two.

'01 B15 SE/PP  |   http://www.cardomain.com/id/cowboydren/   |  <//><
'95 SL2 Auto   |         cowboydren @ b15sentra . net        |