Vague on-center steering feel - Kumho Ecsta 712

Thu, 2 May 2002 02:02:44 -0500

I was playing with the Toe at different settings (I had access to an
alignment rack) and set it close to "0" (and 1/8" out) just to see what it
would feel like in turns around the city and thru on and off ramps. I ran
into the problem with the on-center being vaugue... I also tend to keep my
tire pressue on the high side (37F/ 37R) due to the streets and my
aggresssive driving so this might be a factor. The problem with my
"comparison" lies in that I decided to play with the toe settings with a new
pair of Ecsta 712's so I am comparing them to my Toyo T1-s,.... I have
gotten used to it, but they still tend to be kinda vague when compared to
the Toyos which are normally on the back 2 wheels (kumho/front and Toyo

Andy Jain
93 NX2k w/ DET
88 325i
91 Ford Econoline 150 ....Flowmaster and Firestone equipped