Please Help with tranny fluid and filler plug
Mon, 22 Apr 2002 15:47:11 -0500
On Mon, Apr 22, 2002 at 01:15:36PM -0500, Steve Foltz wrote:
> How did you find out it is safe for our cars with it saying GL5 on the side?
This has been bugging me for a long time. Okay, so GL5 gear oils have
stuff that's supposed to damage yellow metals (like brass synchros), and
GL4 does not. Does a given gear oil *have* to have these nasty
chemicals to be GL5, or is it just that most GL5 has them? What about
GL4; could having these chemicals disqualify a gear oil for GL4 a GL4
rating? The fact that there are so many GL4/5 rated oils around makes
this hard to guess; please hold my hand through this one.
-=|JP|=- Need a good geek? I'm unemployed!
'01 B15 SE/PP | | <//><
'95 SL2 Auto | cowboydren @ b15sentra . net |