Please Help with tranny fluid and filler plug
sean mcmahon
Mon, 22 Apr 2002 09:07:13 -0500
maybe I missed something. Ive been skipping around in reading posts. I didnt
read that motul 300 is gl5 which would be bad, espicaly over time. Rotting out
the bits and pieces a little at a time. Im still sticking with the whole
"people use fluids they have used before" thing. Espicaly old hot rodders.
There is a ton of old hot rodders around me that swear by this or that. All I
know is that amsoil works just fine for me. If he dosent recomend it because
he likes it then why does he?
Sean, I beg to differ!!!
Steve makes an extremely valid point!!!
IF Motul300 being a GL5 spec gear oil damages over time our transmissions
then IT IS NOT BY ANY DEFINITION a "right fluid"!
I supsect Mike K. will jump in very soon and offer his opinion but I am
certain that he did not Suggest Motul 300 in "Kohima'a Garage" just because
he likes it!!!