I'm so stupid i prolly blew my det
Chris Simmonds
Sat, 13 Apr 2002 02:04:38 -0500
If you have ever had boost you then you know where
i'm coming from. I was on my way home when the unthinkable
happened and I promised myself I wouldn't but this
was my first oppertunity to test the det out against
some V8 muscle.
First gear was fine (read unusable) and second
went ok...i shifted to third and way reaching the top
when the car turned off. I tried to start back up right
away but no go. I pulled over and there was smoke. I
popped the hood and notices the dip stick had blew out
along with some oil and that what was cuasing the smoke.
I cleaned up a bit, replaced the dipstick, looked
around a bit while the motor cool and attempted to
start. It didn't start the 1st few times so I waited
some more. It started after a while and was ilding rough.
It was 3 in the am so I really couldn't do much so I
checked the plug wires and the last two has a bit off
white (almost powder like) around them. I started the
car and pulled the plug wires one by one...each one
cuased the car to shut off. I check the exhaust and
beside the little poping sound every once in a while
everything seemed fine. No smoke, not any significant
wetness. I am praying that I wake up tomorrow and it'll
all go away, after the motor cools down.
Anything associated with the dipstick shooting out
along with oil beside that the pressure build up?
The least amount of accessories ran allowed the car
to idle better...this a tell tale sign of anything?
It's 3am and I'm hitting the archieves now but if anyone can give thier input I would appreciate it.
If you want to call me a dumbas$ please do so in private :-(
(the above comment was meant for JGY)
bbdet w/ t28 gti-r mani, ftf rail, msd 50pph etc...