Is this an Alternator Problem? Lights get really bright, andfog light bulbs blow out, also...

Vinson Mok
Fri, 12 Apr 2002 14:56:42 -0500

Thanks for you help in getting me in the right direction.  I looked for
shorts and such, and I think it was because of a bad ground between the
battery cable and where the cable screws into the body of the car or between
the terminal and the post.  I cleaned and sanded down both and it seems to
have 'cured' my light surging, relay clicking problems.  Side benefit seems
to be that the car accelerates smoother.  Might be the bad ground to the
body and/or engine block was causing 'bad maf' grounding?  Anyway, thanks
again for the ideas!


[]On Behalf Of Viola Armstrong
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 2:02 PM
To:; Vinson Mok
Subject: RE: Is this an Alternator Problem? Lights get really bright,
andfog light bulbs blow out, also...

Sounds like a shortage somewhere. I actually went through a set of
headlight bulbs and one fog light bulb when my car was doing the very same
thing. It was my power cord to my radio system. It was frayed. I replaced
it and wallop. No more Alt/Bat light & no more dim bright effect. Check all
of your wiring. Time consuming but it worked.  Joel