Excessive drinking (was RE: convention)

Lee Koloszyc nx2kracer@hotmail.com
Tue, 12 Mar 2002 16:34:11 -0600

>  I was the DD and still yet I had fun.  While I
Which you weren't forced to do:)
We could have sufficed with a taxi and stayed at my place.
> I didn't get all bent out of shape till Lee
> started pissing in the streets :)
now I don't recall that, maybe at the side of the road, in the bushes, but
not in the street
> Or when they decided they needed to puke on the middle of the
Marc needed to puke, I went over to see if he was allright and then the
made me do the same!
I want to know which one of you guys put the highway cones in the back of my
I didn't even notice they were there until 4 days later.
