Wiring Questions
PCT Hiker
Thu, 28 Feb 2002 11:54:56 -0600
>I'm trying to figure out where I should tap the ignition and parking lights
>for my fuel pressure guage. Any recommendations?
To Jon and anyone else who wants aftermarket gauge dimming on a B13: Pull
the dimmer switch from the dash and look at the back. There are 5 wires
here but only 3 are electrically independent. Wire any gauge lights etc.
in parallel across the Red/Yel and Red/Blu wires. You will have oem
dimming, and will apparently be eligible for free Geishas according to a
previous post. The trick is to wire the lights the same way all the
factory ones are: between the +12V positive and the 2-10V floating
negative. I can't remember which of those wires (r/y or r/b) is a constant
+12V, but you should be able to get the gauge "ignition" power from here as
well if you use that wire and a 0V (battery negative) ground.
'91 w/ DET and 3 dimmable autometer gauges