B15 Camber Plates

Jon Pennington cowboydren@yahoo.com
Wed, 9 Jan 2002 12:07:11 -0600

I just had a short conversation with Scott Higashi, manufacturer of the
coilover rear strut pillow ball mounts featured in the latest SOLM.  I
wanted to ask if he had plans for a camber adjustment solution/pillow
ball mount for the front of my car, to which he said (forgive me Scott,
I just don't want to get it wrong):

	" Well, for the B13, the center hole is about 3" in
	diameter.  I believe that the B14 is the same, however
	IIRC the B15 has a hole that's only about 1 1/2" - 2"
	at most which severly limits your adjustment. "

Knowing as little as I know, I can't argue against this statement.  If
it's true, does anyone know of an adjustable camber plate by itself for
the B15, or are strut slotting and crash bolting our only option?  I
looked at the pillow ball mount initially just to get rid of the rubber
isolator at the top of the tower; does the GC camber plate for B14s get
rid of this rubber, too?

-=|JP|=-           Need a good geek?  I'm unemployed!

 '01 B15 SE/PP  |   http://www.xanga.com/cowboydren/    |  <//><
 '95 SL2 Auto   |       cowboydren @ yahoo . com        |