Fast and Furious

Jim Wright
Tue, 8 Jan 2002 11:53:36 -0600

On 1/8/02 10:47 AM, "Jason Gould" <> wrote:

> And don't forget the Koni's on the Orange Supra.  What
> about the effects that the curb had to the Lightning's
> Fiberglass as the main character pulls into the parts
> shop after the physical altercation while picking up
> the Tuna Fish.

Ok, let's just say that the movie was full of so much nonsense that those
who know what's what probably got so disgusted they had to walk out of the

Kind of like those of you that know computers get disgusted when you see an
old PC XT with a monochrome monitor displaying a color image that has an
Apple II startup beep when turned on and is displaying graphics from a Sun
workstation while hacked into a government computer pulling down gigabytes
worth of data over an analog line and backing it up onto a 5.25" floppy.

I hate when that happens.