Manual ecu in Auto

Brian Jones
Fri, 21 Dec 2001 02:07:17 -0500

> Dosent the ecu control the electronic 4speed auto?  JWT sells 2
> ecu's one for
> for real tran's and one for cripple shifters. (some guy from
> france called it a
> cripple shifter once, just stuck in my head he he he)

Well, I believe that there are two ECU's becuase there is a
difference in the rev limit from autos (7250) and man (7500).
*I believe* i may be wrong, i'm sure someone will correct me.

The auto trans has it's own computer that is next to the drivers
left foot below the A pillar on the floor.  That controlls
the shifting points...etc.

-Brian Jones
93.5 G