The photographs on this page are some of my favorites that I have taken over the years. I hope you enoy them.All photos Copyright George D. Roffe 1998. Any use or reproduction for any reason without prior written permission will be met with legal action. If you would like to use or reproduce any of these images please e-mail me at and we can discuss the matter.
This photo was taken at Watkins Glen in 1985. The driver is Bob Akin.
This photo was taken at Watkins Glen in 1985. I do not know who the driver of the Porsche is. The driver of the Jaguar is Brian Redman.
This photo was taken at Watkins Glen in 1985. The driver is Bob Tullius.
This photo was taken at Mid-Ohio in 1991. The driver is Geoff Brabham. (note the glowing carbon fibre front brake disk)
This photo was taken at Watkins Glen in 1985. The drivers are P.L. Newman, the late Jim Fitzgerald, Willy T. Ribbs, and Wally Dallenbach Jr.
This photo was taken at Mid-Ohio in 1991. I do not know who the driver is. The car is a Ford RS2000 developed for FIA Group B rules.
This photo was taken at Mid-America Raceway in Wentzville, MO in 1982 or 1983. I do not know who the drivers of either car are.
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