uprated cam oiling tubes

Qualudia101@aol.com Qualudia101@aol.com
Wed, 13 Aug 2003 22:43:27 -0500

Is there a problem with the earlier tubes in so far as
    insufficient oil flow ? Also anyone know the
year of manufacture when
the new tubes were installed, or
    does it go by the engine date?Frank 93SE-R

    >  Date: 8/13/2003 5:10:14 AM Pacific Daylight Time
    >  From: <A
    >  To: <A
    >  CC: <A HREF="mailto:se-r@se-r-list.org">se-r@se-r-list.org</A>
    >  Sent from the Internet
  Pic here:
    > <A HREF="http://tinyurl.com/jvm0">http://tinyurl.com/jvm0</A>
Old 91-93 tube